Four Helpful Safety Tips for Operating Within a Truck Yard

Posted by: VersaCold on Nov 10, 2016 7:00:00 AM


At VersaCold, safety is our top priority. In our workplace, on the road and in our homes, "safety first" is embedded into our performance-driven culture and reflected in everything we do. We are committed to maintaining a hazard- and injury-free workplace to keep both our employees and visitors safe. As part of our commitment to safety, we will be sharing some of our safety tips with you to help pass on tried and tested ways to make your workplace and home life more safe.


A truck yard consists of many moving parts. If not managed correctly, it can become a dangerous work environment very quickly. Potential safety hazards can pop up anywhere in zones where trucks are unloading or backing up and people are operating within the same space. While the truck driver’s focus is on the safe operation of the vehicle, the safety of everyone in the yard must be in consideration at all times by people operating within the space.

While the onus ultimately falls on the individual to be hyper-vigilant and aware of their surroundings at all times, each yard should have a plan in place that is in line with industry best practices. Here are a few essential best practices to take note of when operating within a truck yard. 

Quick Tips

Tip #1:

Under no circumstances should anyone go over the posted speed limit in a truck yard and speed limits should be consistently enforced onsite.

Tip #2:

While every site is different and comes with its own challenges, keeping pedestrians and workers separated as much as possible will make accidents less likely. 



1. Under no circumstances should anyone go over the posted speed limit in a truck yard 

Generally speaking, vehicles should not exceed 20 km/h in a truck yard. The impact of a large vehicle even at slow speeds can cause damage to property, injury or even death. That is why reducing vehicle speed is such a crucial part of workplace transport safety and should be treated that way. Fixed traffic control methods can be utilized to ensure adherence, such as speed bumps, chicanes, and rumble strips. Any speed limit should be enforced onsite and consistent where possible.


2. Signs, signals, and markings

When it comes to signs for drivers and pedestrians in the truck yard, signs should mimic those commonly used on public roads. No one has the time to learn news symbols on the job, so it's better to adhere to the color, symbols, and shapes we are already accustomed to in our daily life. Also, to ensure that warnings and instructions are always clear, they should be clean as possible and well positioned at all times. If work takes place during night-time hours, it's incumbent on the yard to have signs that are illuminated or have reflective capabilities. Visibility is always critical and should be sufficient enough for drivers and pedestrians to see potential hazards. A yard should also consider strategically placed mirrors where blind or sharp bends are unavoidable


3. Always be aware of your surroundings 

In today's world, it is easy to get distracted by our phones or other devices while we are conducting day-to-day business. However, being aware is one of the most important steps an individual can take to keep you and your fellow workers safe within the yard. Whether driving a truck or merely passing through, it is vital to stay aware and alert at all times. An undistracted worker can do things like give another truck that is backing up the right of way or not cut across the path of another vehicle while it is in reverse. These attentive behaviors can go a long way in keeping everyone in the yard safe.


4. Segregation of pedestrian and vehicle traffic routes 

It's a reality of the business that vehicles must often be operated in confined areas with pedestrians nearby. While every site is different and comes with its own challenges, keeping pedestrians and workers separated as much as possible will make accidents less likely. We advise implementing the following, when possible:

  • Mark entrances and exits clearly for both pedestrians and vehicle operators 

  • Establish prominent “no walk or entry” signs for restricted areas of the yard 

  • Separate pedestrians and vehicle traffic routes using barriers and signs 

  • Ensure that employee and visitor parking is separate from truck operations 


Safety in the yard is everyone's responsibility. Through careful planning and personal responsibility, we can all build a safer workplace for everyone to operate within. 
Contact one of our Sales Specialists today and let us show you why we are the right choice for your business. or 1-800-563-COLD 

Tags: Safety Tips